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9:47am 04-29-2020
Hi I’d like to ask about the dvd for facts behind the Helsinki. Where can I get a copy please help love Michael and your site thank you
3:29am 12-15-2019
Danke Kitty,
für die interessanten Bilder und Berichte über Michael Mahonen. Er ist ein ungemein bemerkenswerter Mensch, der sich in seinem Leben stets hat durchkämpfen und behaupten müssen. Deshalb gelingt es ihm hervorragend ( viel besser als manch' einem anderen,der nur schauspielert !!) , sich ganz in die Seele der von ihm dargestellten Charaktere hineinzuversetzen. Das hat er als "Lee Colgan" bewiesen. da ist er für mich Lee, ganz und gar !! Er ist ein grossartiger Darsteller. Schade, dass er zur Zeit nun nicht mehr in Film, TV oder auf der Bühne agiert- er könnte den Zuschauern so vieles sagen und verdeutlichen und erklären .
"Hollywood" ist ja die eine Sache für manch einen sogenannten "Schauspieler"- es heisst Ruhm und Geld "scheffeln" ....MM folgt , wie er selbst sagt, seiner eigenen Moral.
Das macht ihn verehrenswert.Meinen grossen Respekt hat Michael aber als klassischer Theaterschauspieler . Nur auf der Bühne zeigt ein Schauspieler sein wahres Können. MM ist einer von ihnen !!
Liebe Kitty, wenn du ihn einmal wieder triffst, grüsse ihn von einer alten Dame ( ich bin fast 80 Jahre alt !) aus Germany.
Einen herzlichen Dank dafür sagt dir Heidi E.
12:48pm 10-08-2018
Kitty Hadley
Having problems with the domain name after over 20 years. Not sure what to do.
4:57pm 08-09-2018
Hey Kitty,
Back again on your website. I have not come here in awhile. Thanks for your response. I have come to get some imforamation about Road to avonlea fan websites for my youtube channel.
11:34am 07-07-2018
Hi Marilyn, no new news to report. Still trying to find a program that is compatible with Netscape (the program I used to make the site) still many pages need to be fixed, links that need to be connected. Haven't heard of any acting jobs for MM; but there is always a possibility there may be some in the future.

Thanks for the virtual chocolates
8:03am 05-11-2018
Greetings, Kitty! It's been years!

I'm sure you don't remember me and the "virtual chocolates" from about a decade ago, but I hope you've been well. Glad to see you've kept up the website! Any news on what Mr. Mahonen has been up to in the past 10 years?

Another round of virtual chocolates for everyone! Cheers!
2:21pm 01-24-2018
I had to delete several "spam" comments today. Sorry, no spam allowed.
2:35pm 01-22-2018
Yes, Leah, I have met Michael a good many times over the years. My site needs a lot of work, I know. I am trying to find a program that is compatible with the original one I used while making this site. So far, no luck. Hopefully I will find a compatible program and fix all of the broken links and missing pages. ... sigh.
11:03am 12-12-2017
Hi Kitty, i have heard so much about this website! seems like the name "kitty" is everywhere. Have you actually met Michael Mahonen??
11:02am 12-12-2017
OH my goodness. I wonder if anyone will answer me It is nearly 2018.
10:33pm 11-18-2016
Bev Evans
I heard you sing tonight at the Jamie Taylor Xmas concert. Loved it. I have followed your career for years and love your work. It was a pleasure to have you take time out to do this. You should sing more often.
12:50am 07-15-2016
Thank you, Jean dear, that is so sweet of you. The site needs a lot of work and I have just not been able to find a program that works with the old Netscape program that I used to originally build the site. Maybe some day I will find a program that works.
7:11pm 05-06-2016
Jean Camire
Hi kitty, thanks for giving the fans so much info and pics on Miki. I never really said that so thought I said it now
10:27am 12-23-2014
Face is red, LOL Happy New Year 2015 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4:35pm 12-07-2014
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New year 2014 to all who visit here
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